Progressive infusion makes Rites of the Nameless a perfect entry into the dark and twisted world of black metal

Out of Boston, Massachusetts this is Infera Bruo‘s fourth studio album. At 6 songs and a 39 minute run time, Rites of the Nameless follows the rules of prog whilst being short enough to fit into a typical album run time. This makes this album extremely accessible and the sharp edge of black metal tamed mean both fans of black metal, progressive music and just metal fans in general can enjoy this album. Thus providing an excellent path into black metal without being cast straight into Darkthrone style carnage.

All the staples of black metal are there; waiting vocals, tremolo picking, blast beats and dissonance aplenty. However the progressive infusion into this record just softens the edges, and the very clear production quality fits perfectly. Often black metal records thrive in the realms of lo-fi recording quality, but the intricate progressive elements of this record suit the clean sound.

The vocals on this record are excellent. Often swaying into what can only be oxymoronically described as clean black metal vocals. Still keeping the black metal style, but considerably more melodic. Again perfectly fits the tone of the record.

A blackened version of the album Of Breath and Bone by Be’lakor is a perfect way to describe this album. Latent Foe Arcane a perfect example of this sound. The very slight mistimed feel to Frayed, riding on the back of excellent stick work is an example of the many things that keep this album interesting. Cimmerian Shade is the standout song on the album. A full on evil prog opus. Mining Shadows for Unlight is the pinnacle of the album’s drumming. Especially when the tempo slows and the intricate stick work is fully on display.

No song on this album is uniform or follows a typical pattern. Every song contains twists and turns. As soon as this album finished I immediately listened to the whole thing again and it got even better second time around, finding more intricacies to the changes with each listen. Moreover, the short run time to this album cuts off at a perfect run time for any weary listeners who don’t appreciate a lengthy prog extravaganza.

Infera Bruo have produced a top quality record here. If you are looking for a way to get into black metal, or just want to experiment with some new music, then this album comes very highly recommended. Lost to the realms of hellfire beith your soul. Just embrace it!

Rites of the Nameless is available now directly from bandcamp and on your favourite streaming services.

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