With the Magic of Windfyre Steel

Pure unadulterated fantasy power metal from genre newcomers Power Paladin with their debut album With the Magic of Windfyre Steel. I don’t really have to elaborate much further than state their debut album title and unveil the artwork to reveal exactly what they sound like. But alas, like the mighty knight of cosmic valour I am, I shall proceed henceforth.

Think of heavy metal from Iceland, and undoubtably you think of desolate black metal. The island nation, being the most sparsely populated nation in Europe, housed on a constantly erupting volcano is not the place from which you imagine light-hearted virtuous fantasy power metal to emerge. But Power Paladin are destined to correct the course, and restore balance to the force. Honestly, finding a heavy metal band out of a nation of 375,000 people is miraculous in itself, let alone 6 warriors riding the flame of power metal.

Power Paladin
[Photo by Eva Alexandra Photography]

With the Magic of Windfyre Steel is 9 tracks and 51 minutes of non-stop power metal pomp, a full force good time. You do obviously have to be fully committed to the listen. Fantasy power metal is not for the faint hearted or the casual listener. But give it time and appreciate it for exactly what it is trying to achieve, and good times shall be had by all. Power Paladin are not going to win you over to the world of fantasy power metal any more than any other band in the genre, but that does not disqualify it from being thoroughly enjoyable.

Power Paladin list their inspiration as Dio, Helloween and Iron Maiden, but more prominently from the second phase of European power metal in Rhapsody, Edguy and Hammerfall. There is absolutely no hiding that influence on this album. They have already secured the services of Melbourne’s RMIT University to produce their music video for Creatures of the Night. RMIT having previously worked with Children of Bodom, Alestorm and Korpliklaani is certainly an impressive pelt to hang on the wall of their young career.

From the land where gloomy extreme metal is preferred, a new force of light has emerged. Ready to tell tales reserved previously for their continental European counterparts. Power Paladin have announced themselves to the world. If you’re fully on board, ready to ride the waves and soar the skies, you’re in for a raucous good time With the Magic of Windfyre Steel. Fly the Viking Thunder Clap. “HUH!”

Rating: 8 out of 10.

Score: 8/10

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