Party Cannon Volumes Of Vomit

Brutal death metal, slamming brutal death metal, or just simply slam takes all the most wretched and filthy parts of death metal and wraps it up in a package of definitely-not human skin. Party Cannon take their own approach, with a sprinkle of the downright insanity of grindcore to produce something fit only for the most grim of dungeon bathrooms. Their sophomore release Volumes Of Vomit changes none of this, and so it shouldn’t.

These lovable lunatics from bonnie Scotland certainly do things their own way. Lunacy and psychosis course through the veins of Volumes Of Vomit. If you are unaware of the underground abomination that is Slam, think unkempt neanderthals grunting into a microphone from their cave dwelling, accompanied by rhythmic guitar chugging and wild pounding drums. Party Cannon spice this up with the wild gurgly and croaking vocals from goregrind, and brightly coloured aesthetic. A slam band with a legible logo is a rare sight indeed.

Commencing the album is Tactical Chunder, which unveils the gross-fest to be expected. All the chromatic chugging and squeals you could shake a rotting corpse at. 60 Stone Threesome is a greatest hits of the weird and wonderful vocal effects splattered throughout extreme metal. Repulsive noise maker Ross Sewage and Don Campan of Waking the Cadaver lend their vocal smile to the guttural stew. 

You could keep your musical listening experience on the straight and narrow. Steadfast and serious. Orrrr….you could embrace the insanity, throw all musical sense out the window and delve deep into the pits of pestilence. Extreme death metal is your friend, and Volumes Of Vomit is the soundtrack to your dismemberment. Just remember to keep that smile wide, and scream loud when you see the chainsaws. Party time!

Rating: 8 out of 10.

Score: 8/10

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