Dampf The Arrival

One for the purists here…lol jk. Combining dark, gothic metal with pop melodies is going to get the metal purists raising their pitchforks and barricading the gates. For the rest of us though, who doesn’t love bouncing to a chuggy riff and singing along to a soaring chorus. Dampf, whilst lead by A-Tron and producer buddy Beak, are more of a collection of minds. Combined forces from throughout the kingdom of heavy metal. Here we have their debut album The Arrival.

What this collective metal force has produced, is full throttle gothic industrial dance-metal. There are riffs for days, and very little time to rest banging your head.  Dampf put it best themselves as they claim their task is to visualise and perform the important message and sad experience from another world, at the request of the mighty Eye. Poignant indeed, with the world perhaps heading to a cataclysmic point, we may learn harsh lessons from the dead. A sobering thought indeed. Perfect for the gothic atmosphere!

Winterland opens the album, building amid the backdrop of keys before breaking loose with one of countless industrial chugging riffs throughout the album. Each chorus is a haunting netherworldly chant. Make sure you have stepped outside your pentagram first, lest you summon something from beyond the ethereal divide. Or do so if you fancy an eventful evening. I’m sure the spectres would appreciate a bit of company.

The basic structure of each song is largely similar throughout the album – such as is common amongst gothic and industrial style metal albums. However each song has its own distinct little flavour, keeping the listening experience fresh throughout. A plethora of tasty riffs does nothing to hinder this. Twilight Eyes and Steinhoufen are the standout non single tracks – each perfectly showcasing the pop melody and metal riffing styles The Arrival explores. 

A-Tron and Beak have gathered the forces of metal companions to produce a terrific opening release with The Arrival. Full of zest and energy, gothic theatrics and industrial pounding. Dampf suggest they are going to continue bringing together friends of the metal world on future releases. If it sounds like this then bring it on. I’ll let them have the final say; “If you like DAMPF, YOU ARE DAMPF”.

Rating: 8 out of 10.

Score: 8/10

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