So here we come to the first review of 2021. In a particularly sharp cold spell here in the UK it is fitting that we start with an album called Crypt Of Ice. 2021 was supposed to be the start of a resurgence after the – to put it mildly – heaping pile of shit that was 2020. But it hasn’t quite started that way. The world is still doing it’s best to represent Satan’s domain. A gnarly round of death metal is maybe what’s needed.

Formed in 2018, Dallas quintet Frozen Soul turn their frosted essence away from typical modern death metal. Where most of the genre has moved to the nth degree of complexity, Frozen Soul take the old school, Obituary style of riff focussed death metal. With recent releases from Benediction and Wombbath maybe we are turning back time? Wouldn’t be a bad thing….

I had high hopes for this album when lead single Crypt Of Ice made it onto my 2020 Metal Songs of the Year. My thirst has been quenched on first listen through. We have here 39 minutes of no nonsense, mid tempo, in your face death metal. If I had to describe it in 3 words it would be riffs, riffs and riffs.

The axe work is the obvious standout on Crypt Of Ice. Plenty of distortion but with great clarity. All the tremolo picking your frozen carcass could wish for. When the track slows markedly, like on Arctic Stronghold it is a criminal offence to not bang your head and scrunch your face up like you’re about to have your dangly bits dunked in said icy pit. Appreciate the filthy rhythm as the glacial demons demand.

If I was to be critical of this album I would say whilst there are riffs for days, there are no moments that really catch you off guard. It doesn’t need to become a tapping fest. But maybe something different here and there to prick the ears up outside of tempo changes. Also the vocals fade into the background on a couple of tracks and the bass is largely a side piece. These are however relatively minor points and no mix will be perfect on a debut album.

Overall we have an excellent slice of death metal pie. We are going to see Frozen Soul hit a hot streak if they continue to put out albums of this quality. Well hot streak might be a poor choice of words. But you get the point. Let the bitter bite of winter force it’s way in to your soul and revel in the piercing chill of Crypt Of Ice.

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