Fear Factory

With the release of Cannibal Corpse‘s new LP Violence Unimagined this week, and impending album releases from Gojira, Evile, Tetrarch, Beartooth, Sumo Cyco and Vexed amongst others, heavy metal has an exciting near future in store for us all. However, lest we not forget the mighty single release as we approach another Metal Track of the Week. Another strong breadth of releases this week. A certain industrial metal giant proved to still be a disruptor, and we head into the storm with the band that can do no wrong….

Yes you guessed it, that band is the French behemoth Gojira. New track Into The Storm is the latest from their upcoming album Fortitude. It’s another excellent track (that goes without saying), and explores the human nature to rebel in order to save what is precious and good in this world. Gojira have coupled this with continued awareness of the environmental crisis impacting the Amazon, and fundraising campaigns for the indigenous people of Brazil. Only Gojira could improve on perfection.

It’s typical isn’t it. After a long and winding road of legal issues, fights and switcheroos in the Fear Factory household culminating in vocalist Burton C. Bell leaving the band permanently, it would be on latest track Disruptor that he sounds as good as he ever has. Savage growls and soaring cleans, the dirty vocals a particular highlight. Brutal machine gun riffing from Dino Cazares. Disruptor is one of the best Fear Factory tracks to date. What a shame this is the end of this era of Fear Factory. With a new vocalist yet to be revealed, we will have to wait and see where the next phase leads.

The Cavalera family’s latest project Go Ahead And Die have released latest track Toxic Freedom, and this time they have gone straight up punk rock to terrific effect. There is no hiding the old school Sepultura feel, especially when it kicks up a gear in the final third. I can without hesitation say, based on this and their first single Truckload of Bodies that their debut album is going to be full throttle, balls out, and destructive AF. I can’t wait.

Morgan Lander (of Kittie fame) lends her vocals to We Are Pigs latest track Moot. Taking the creepy Korn style of throwback nu-metal with modern Ghostemane style of violent trap metal on an excellent track. Morgan Lander has lost nothing from her scream from the glory days of nu-metal past. The continuing return of throwback nu-metal with the emergence of trap metal foresee a possible direction heavy metal is taking. There are clearly less ‘rock n roll personalities’ in modern music, so maybe this is a way to bring metal back to the masses?

The Witch by Nocturnal Pestilence is firmly on the heavier, gloomier side of nu-metal – Coal Chamber/Kittie style. Nicol Hofmanová of STELL/\RIS lends guest vocals on The Witch. I had not previously come across either before, however she has a seriously impressive set of aggressive vocals on display. Flicking from death growls to gothic cleans, I am eager to check out more of her work now. Are you more in the market for gothic symphonic metal? Then I suggest checking out Dark Horse White Horse this week with their new track Get Out, taken from their self titled debut EP.

Do you wish you could just get more Five Finger Death Punch in your life? Well State of Mine go full 5FDP on new track 2 Middle Fingers. I mean come on, is that not the most apt 5FDP track name you could think of? It’s exactly what you would expect from a 5FDP track too, although somehow doesn’t feel as cringe as most of their work – maybe. I mean it’s still seriously over the top macho nonsense, but not everything has to be technical wizardry. Sometimes having 2 fingers up and not giving a fuck is the right mindset (actually it seems appropriate most of the time these days…).

If I was giving a sub-category winner to the most full throttle track of the week, then Irving Force would certainly win this week with Touch the Corpse. Fuzzy, crass vocals, repetitive horror themed samples, and plenty of “bleugh”s. Programmed drums with the attitude of Fear Factory on steroids. Touch the Corpse does not let up for it’s sub 3 minute timeframe. But jeez does it slam you straight in the face hard enough to give you concussion.

Finland hit us with a couple of new metal tracks this week. Modern melodeath band Dimman release the first single Paroxysm from their upcoming debut album. Mixing a multitude of different styles, from EDM pop-metal, to gothic symphonic metal, to straight up pumping industrialised nu-metal. Normally, blending all this into a single track is a recipe for wandering nonsense. However Dimman have pulled it off on an excellent track. More melodic metal from Finland, with the release of No Riddance from Scars Of Solitude. Turn up the metallic pop-punk feels and party on bro!

What, you want even more Finnish metal? Well in luck you be. One Morning Left gift us with a new track Creatvrs – and even treat us to some trve kvlt orthography. If you feel metalcore is missing a dose of neon synth pop, then this is the track for you. Any band with the mantra “Join us on our quest to make the world a bit more epic!” gets a sharp thumbs up from me!

There is a wave of excellent metal releases out every week at the moment, making picking a winner as difficult as deciding a favourite Tarantino movie. Gojira as always hit with a killer track, and don’t disappoint with Into The Storm. Touch The Corpse by Irving Force and Moot by We Are Pigs deserve special recognition as both are excellent tracks. But this week, the brutal riffing and a standout vocal performance give Fear Factory the win with Disruptor. The title seems almost ironic given recent proceedings in the band, but no doubting the killer track on display.

WINNER: Fear Factory – Disruptor

Listen to Disruptor by Fear Factory here

Check out last week’s Metal Track of the Week

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