System of a Down are an Armenian American band formed in 1994. Well known for innovative, politically charged and totally zany approach to song writing. Front man Serj Tankian and guitarist Daron Malakian sharing vocal duties, Shavo Odadjian on Bass and Jon Dolmayan on the sticks.

In their time they have only put out 5 studio albums, many bands would have put out over twice that in a comparable period. However the effect of this is clear, every album is very high quality. Their last album was in 2005, and there has been constant speculation on a 6th album, but it doesn’t look like one will be coming soon.

System of a Down frontman Serj Tankian
Serj Tankian

There has been well publicised friction between the band members, including recent US political differences between Serj and John. It appears that the creative differences they have is preventing them from having a collective vision on a new album. For one I am grateful they don’t release one under these conditions. Not many bands can have a pretty much flawless discography, and living up to the extreme expectations of a new album means it would have to continue their flawless reputation.

I dare you to find a bad song from their collection so far. Some songs are thoughtful, some are full of rage, and some are downright batshit insane. Nothing feels like filler on a System of a Down album. So ranking them is never going to be easy!

But alas I shall persevere. So here are all System of a Down albums ranked worst to best.

5. Steal This Album

Steal This Album! Album

Steal This Album is a collection of B-sides and songs that never made it onto Toxicity, released as a studio album in its own right. Whilst this could be a throw away album for most bands, in this case is a genuinely top quality album.

There are some cracking tracks on this album. Crackers as in great songs (Mr. Jack and Highway Song notable), and crackers because they are genuinely crackers – opener Chick’n’Stu is about closing a fridge door and other food related gibberish.

It’s harsh to have this as a bottom ranked album, and it most certainly would not qualify under worst in normal circumstances. But one of them has to go last. As good as this album is, there is no fluency to it like the other albums (as one would expect) so for that reason it sits last.

4. Hypnotize

Hypnotize Album

Hypnotize is the second part of the 2 part release including Mesmorize. Unfortunately it had to follow up the hugely successful and critically acclaimed prior album.

This album does however return to a heavy opening to a SOAD album, in Attack. High points on this album are the arena filling Holy Mountains and the short and sharp Kill Rock ‘n’ Roll. Title track Hypnotize reached number 1 on the Billboard modern rock chart (and #57 overall), the highest position achieved by the band outside of B.Y.O.B. (which reached #27).

Ending the album with Soldier Side perfectly feeds back into the intro to Mesmorize to bring the double release full circle. If this ends up being the final System of a Down album then they will certainly go out on a high.

3. Toxicity

Toxicity Album

From now on it’s almost impossible to rank. The 3 remaining albums are all brilliant in different ways, and all could equally be in first place. But I have put Toxicity here in third.

Undoubtedly this is a fantastic album, and the one that shot SOAD to stardom. Chop Suey, Toxicity and Aerials are all anthems that defined an era in rock and metal music. But this album doesn’t lose the classic SOAD madness on Needles, and the politically motivated charge on Prison Song.

No other band could burst onto the scene with genuinely bizarre and unconventional song writing and turn them into chart toppers and anthems of a generation quite like SOAD have. And is still sounds great to this day.

2. System of a Down

System of a Down self entitled album

As debut albums go this is one of the very best. The most raw and innovative of SOAD albums, showing their true creative genius. Whilst Toxicity is a more complete album from a commercial and maturity standpoint, I am putting their debut album above based on the visceral experience you get from listening to it.

Right from the off Suite-Pee wastes no time in introducing SOAD to the scene. Intense and heavy, Serj showing his unique vocal style that is now instantly recognizable. Sugar is a staple of mosh pits throughout the world. War? is as perfect as a song gets for 2:40, heavy and uncompromising.

But the best part of the album is when it gets unorthodox, Whether it be the circus vibes of Ddevil and Peephole, or the pseudo-dance rhythm of CUBErt. Music vary rarely sees unconventional genius quite like this.

1. Mesmorize

Mesmerize album

The most complete System of a Down album. Serj and Daron‘s vocals working perfectly together, huge anthemic hits in B.Y.O.B and Question a lesson in building in a song to a thrilling climax. Mixed in with some classic SOAD madness in Cigaro and This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I’m On This Song.

Old School Hollywood brings a sudden dance feel to the album (based on Daron‘s experience playing in a celebrity baseball game). Violent Pornography deals with serious social issues in a way only they can. SOAD are the only band in the world who can sing total nonsense, yet you know exactly what they mean. Song writing mastery.

This is the only SOAD album to start with a slow song. Soldier Side is a brilliant opening track. Haunting in its build up and leading into the highly charged B.Y.OB. is perfection. At a rapid 36 minutes, a perfect lesson in how to make every second on an album count. A flawless release.

System of a Down made it on to the albums that got me into metal music. They are truly one of those bands that you just cannot turn away from.

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